Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Is A 4 Cm Kidney Cyst Large?


With a day late because of work overload in the non-virtual world it done, the "turquoise birthday giveaway" must go on the trip.

Legendary 67 comments and 35 emails were allowed to participate in the draw.

have very unromantic I tried for the Prof. Chance:
recounted Now quickly ...

.. drum roll ...

the case goes to the Netherlands to Maren from RosaRood .
There you are, dear Maren - who's says because: Your new bag does in the next few days on the trip to Dir


And to all others: Please do not be sad
- the next prize draw to come!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Birthday/baptism Decorations

Two new videos on Youtube channel



we have 2 new videos on Youtube channel uploaded. The short films show two types of body as her Ranger II Tarp can most effectively use and to fire the experiment, a BE-X Cookware only with natural resources . I wish to look at a lot of fun and I look forward to your feedback and suggestions!