Thursday, March 3, 2011

Aluminum Boat With Liner

Vic had the whole day carnival at the school
In recent years I had always sewn the costumes themselves, but this year did not have the time
So I had to.. buy this dress, it just did aufgerüscht down because it was much too long
Do not ask how it looks now, rather, is much torn and frayed

trip to the gym -... Studio
at this time rum, exactly 10 years ago I had signed up in the gym and 5 times a week Tae Bo made. After 1 year I logged off.
exactly what time today I have noticed. It was great ... a lot of fun, ... I have really exhausted me. The first time in my life right equipment for all sorts of muscles that you just should have. O) I think that's what I'll remember this tomorrow.

Just in case nobody knows what Bo is Tae
I once made


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