Friday, December 11, 2009

Pain In My Pointer Finger And Thumb

first Austrian Green Building Award

For the first time yesterday, the Austrian Green Building Award for energy efficient commercial building awarded. In the framework of the "climate-active energy-efficient enterprises have been awarded flagship companies from four categories, which have invested in the wake of the green building program in the energy efficiency of their buildings and now can show massive savings.

The winner of the Austrian Green Building Awards 2009 are: Allianz Insurance in the category "project with the
largest replication potential," The economic center of Lower Austria as the best NeubauprojektDie company Manschein in the category "Best redevelopment project" The office building energy base as the most innovative Projekt.Alle details Green Building Program and the award-winners, see :

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Online Ftv Midnight Hot

Obtain already SMART!

you are contracting and are interested in energy efficient and CO2-saving procurement.

The consultants of the SMART-SPP project to assist you. More detailed information is available here.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Doctor's Recommend For Stomach Cleaning?

New klima: aktiv mobil funding packages for communities

Environment Minister Niki Berlakovich presented on 28 October 2009 at the event "go green - save CO2! "in the Shopping City Süd in Vösendorf the new attractive klima: aktiv Funding packages for businesses and communities. Supports the new funding package with the new guide on "fleet conversion", which was also presented by Environment Minister Niki Berlakovich. The guide "Eco-friendly fleets on the road" mainly offers businesses and municipalities, as well as organizations such as the tourism sector who want to convert their fleets to alternative vehicles and fuels support, by providing a summary of the alternative vehicles and fuels and on the conveyor and support opportunities in the area of fleet conversions informed.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Does Jesse Jane Shave Or Wax

Smart SPP objectives conform with the European Council

In its conclusion of 21 October 2009 demand the European Environment Ministers that the Lisbon Strategy after 2010 focused on eco-efficient economies. Among other measures, calls on Member States explicitly to force "eco-innovative" public procurement to the future market for green products, services and technologies to crank n .

However, the European Commission to take action. To accelerate the development and market introduction of "eco-innovations, they should also support innovative public procurement. This will be done, for example, the combination of potential buyers with innovators and producers at European level.

The project SMART-SPP is one of the first instruments to make this policy a reality.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Who Do I Address An Aka Reference Letter To?

Vienna Win - an initiative of the ZIT

The Center for Innovation and Technology the city of Vienna has launched to promote the provision of innovative products, a flagship project. The initiative WienWin is to establish a systematic exchange of information between the City of Vienna and innovative company in Vienna.

This is one part of the web page achieved and by organizing events. Interested in innovative companies to present their products more easily on this site and services to decision makers in the City Council and the municipal companies, which in turn rapidly gain a better market overview.

Furthermore fürh Wienwin also shows in specific product areas through. Here you can procurers in specific information about innovative features of the Vienna-based companies.

Enter via

Monday, October 19, 2009

Names For Things Inside Car

practice-oriented guide for a more innovation-promoting public procurement and procurement

In the EU innovation policy the demand side, increased attention is given to . Especially to the public authorities act more as "intelligent customer" for the award of contracts as an engine for innovation. Overall, the innovative aspect of public procurement are applied in full.

If we succeed in even a small part may bring them more in innovation, a significant volume to be implemented. actually order the better to use public procurement for innovation has been provided in the Austrian Lisbon reform program to create a practical guidelines for a more innovation-promoting procurement .

He is responsible for the procurement of a specific handle on how the provisions of the procurement law and the instruments used for innovation. Good Practice Examples To show which applications have already been proven, and how the procurement processes have run. Target audience of the Guide are mostly public entities at the federal, state and community and town level.

Editor: BMWA Abt Innovation and Technology Transfer Authors: Mag Peter Grundner, Carol Hagedorn, DI Robert Hörmann, Dr.DI Nicholas Thaller
Vienna 2007, 66 pages, colored

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How To Clean Casio White Watch Band

obligation to purchase energy-efficient vehicles

The Directive 2009/33/EC on the promotion of clean and energy efficient road transport vehicles of 23 April 2009 committed the EU contracting authorities in future energy and environmental impacts, including energy consumption, C02 emissions and emissions of certain pollutants for the life taken into account.

This can be done either through the establishment of technical specifications or in the form of energy and environmental award criteria.

place in the 2009 amendment of the Austrian Federal Procurement Policy Act, these already equivalent.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Mild Cortical Irregularity

SMART SPP partner meeting in Barcelona Contact

The SMART-SPP partner meeting in Barcelona from 28 - 30.10.2009 came closer by Intelligent Energy Europe project, funded the ambitious goals is an important step.
Sun tested the present procurers and intermediaries in the working groups 6-point process for the procurement of innovative energy-efficient products.
was in another group, the use of small wind turbines on buildings the subject. It was found that on one hand prior to a specific procurement, the framework is to clarify exactly, and the other, the question of acceptance new technologies must be considered.
The core objective of the SMART-SPP project , namely the procurement law compliant and innovation-sharing with providers in advance of a specific procurement may, in this case to address these issues make a significant contribution.
was particularly evident in the city Bareclona initiated by the two procurement projects in the area of e-Mobility and LED street lighting. As part of the LED street lighting will be as different computer applications, such as simultaneous measurements of air quality, use-dependent light intensities, maintenance and use of navigational aids tested for their usefulness.
A unique in the combination tool in the life cycle costs and CO2 exchange can be determined, is now also available in the trial and the use of these criteria in procurement procedures more transparent and - make it easier - not unimportant. We will report in more detail about it.
Finally, the Barcelona meeting was further enriched by a contribution from Vorarlberg. The company REFFCON from Vorarlberg VLOTTE initiative has specially sent a Think electric car on the way from Dornbirn to Spain and thus to some "dust" kicked up.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Scotiabank Prepaid Gift Cards

Smart SPP Austria
Carola Hagedorn

T: +43 1 9712436 12
F: +43 1 9712436 59
E : Hagedorn (at)

prove Unternehmensberatung GmbH
Brahmsplatz third
1040 Vienna Austria