Friday, October 2, 2009

Mild Cortical Irregularity

SMART SPP partner meeting in Barcelona Contact

The SMART-SPP partner meeting in Barcelona from 28 - 30.10.2009 came closer by Intelligent Energy Europe project, funded the ambitious goals is an important step.
Sun tested the present procurers and intermediaries in the working groups 6-point process for the procurement of innovative energy-efficient products.
was in another group, the use of small wind turbines on buildings the subject. It was found that on one hand prior to a specific procurement, the framework is to clarify exactly, and the other, the question of acceptance new technologies must be considered.
The core objective of the SMART-SPP project , namely the procurement law compliant and innovation-sharing with providers in advance of a specific procurement may, in this case to address these issues make a significant contribution.
was particularly evident in the city Bareclona initiated by the two procurement projects in the area of e-Mobility and LED street lighting. As part of the LED street lighting will be as different computer applications, such as simultaneous measurements of air quality, use-dependent light intensities, maintenance and use of navigational aids tested for their usefulness.
A unique in the combination tool in the life cycle costs and CO2 exchange can be determined, is now also available in the trial and the use of these criteria in procurement procedures more transparent and - make it easier - not unimportant. We will report in more detail about it.
Finally, the Barcelona meeting was further enriched by a contribution from Vorarlberg. The company REFFCON from Vorarlberg VLOTTE initiative has specially sent a Think electric car on the way from Dornbirn to Spain and thus to some "dust" kicked up.


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