Sunday, November 28, 2010

Vintage Electonic Bowling Game

customer feedback - New Communication

Hi, we received a letter from

. The man served the last 18 months in the Turkish armed forces, and let us now about our partners in Ireland, where he had bought his opinion:

"Just so you know i have absolutely no airsofting kit, but my choice is a full BE-X kit, im gonna have to buy out some of your BE-X stuff do you know why,

5 months of combat touring,
I went through hundreds of socks, I went through 10-15 pairs of combat trousers, I annihalated 5-10 BDU shirts and parkas, but my BE-X Fleece, is in my room right now, 2.5 months of FOB defence, 2.5 months of search and destroy patrols, a 19 hour firefight, all in altitudes exceeding 2,500 meters, There were times where if I didn't have that fleece, I would be heading out in torn BDU shirts and parkas, your fleece, that amazing piece of awesomeness, possible saved my life and for that I thank yourself Steven and Fiona, I owe yez an epic favor.

regards, Bora"

Seinen Ausführungen Following, it is not hard to imagine where he was used! We are pleased about so positve feedback, and wish him all the best!


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