Monday, December 20, 2010

Rupert Bear Origami Instructions

From the Grove I come out of it ...


Hello, Another year has passed, the world becomes, the gingerbread and mulled wine industry is booming, flooding the market places. All sure signs of the end of the year and the associated festivities, be it Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule or Kurisumasu. I would like to take this opportunity and thank you all. To you, the customer, without which this blog has no right to exist, you readers, I write for here and all those who shared the 2010 year with us! This 2010 was a very turbulent year, there were many Ups and downs for all of us and I hope that we will do 2011 together depths less but even more heights. I was delighted (and am) particularly with the lively feedback from you, and hope this does not stop!

I would also like to ask for a moment, time for all those who today are not, and on Christmas Eve with their families. Slightly more than 5,000 German soldiers will be spending Christmas in Afghanistan, and Kosovo are still active soldiers of the Bundeswehr. I wish them a very peaceful and safe celebration and a safe return!

I thank you all and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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